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Châtenay-Malabry (FR - 92290), 21 July 2014

EFITA newsletter / 657 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

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To correspond with me (GW), please use this address: guy.waksman(a)

FIspace Welcome Webinar FI-PPP accelerators
24 July – 15 h – 16h30 CET

Leaders in precision ag technology to gather at InfoAg
29-31 July - St. Louis, MO
The upcoming precision ag event in St. Louis is sure to spark plenty of good tech conversations. I expect the attendance at InfoAg will be even higher than last year’s conference. If you live in the area, and you are at all interested in precision ag, I highly recommend you consider signing up for the event.

Club of Ossiach at ISAF2014 – an invitation
16 September - Latvia University of Agriculture
Networking Session for ICT for Agriculture will be organised as a part of 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry on 16th September at the Latvia University of Agriculture, 2 Liela Street, LV-3001 Jelgava, Latvia

Who participated in the Smart AgriMatics conference?
Participants come from 22 countries in Europe, but also from other continents. They come from 90 different organizations including commercial companies and research institutes.

Smart AgriMatics 2014
presentations available


JAI - Journal of Agricultural Informatics
The latest issue of the Journal of Agricultural Informatics ( has been published. The journal is backed by an international editorial board, the Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics (HAAI) and the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA). We hope that the articles find your interest and are looking forward to receiving your suggestions, and publication interests.

Journal articles of Vol 5, No 1 (2014)

The issue of Vol. 5, No 1 (2014) in PDF.

>>>> Call for papers
Agricultural Informatics 2014 International Conference "Future Internet and ICT Innovation in Agriculture, Food and the Environment"
Debrecen, Hungary, 13-14. November 2014

>>>> Call for special issue of Journal of Agricultural Informatics
„ICT Methods for Harmonizing Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources”
The publication of the Special Issue is scheduled for 2014 Late summer.
Submissions extended deadline: 15 July 2014.
More 2-3 papers welcome into the issue.
Contact: Miklós HERDON
E-mail: herdon(a)

Farmers with UAVs share experiences
Last week was a new experience for me as I attended the Precision Aerial Ag Show in Decatur, Ill. It’s the first event that has focused solely on UAV use in agriculture. I’ve attended a more broad UAV conference before, but this one was pretty cool. There were a lot of farmers who already owned UAVs for their farms, and it’s one of the most engaged group of show attendees I’ve ever seen. It was actually tough to get the chance to talk with the exhibitors, because growers were asking them so many questions about th eir offerings.


Modelia / Afia

>>> La modélisation entre recherche et développement agricole, allers et retours... Des modèles scientifiques aux outils logiciels : ambitions, expériences, réflexions, propriété intellectuelle (29 mars 2013)

Voir :

>>> Open Data en Agriculture : état des lieux et perspectives (12 novembre 2013)
Voir :

Contact : François BRUN
Mél : francois.brun(a)

>>> Les nouveaux capteurs en Agricultture (19 avril 2014)
Voir :
Contact : JP Chanet
Mél : jean-pierre.chanet(a)

AgriFuture Days 2014
Three weeks ago we finalized the Agri Future Days in Villach, organized this year first time by the NGO “Club of Ossiach”, a cooperation initiated by GFAR (Global Forum for Agricultural Research /FAO /UN) and PROGIS but open to partners from science, business, public organizations etc. (details see under We had close to 120 participants of > 25 countries and from three continents that all gave positive comments about the conference that was a mix of presentations and cooperative working. The focus was set on family farming and on technology integration, stakeholder cooperation, public and private partnerships.

You may download available short papers from, full papers and PPTs are for members and participants only. Selected partners can become participants with 50.-€/year or the visit of a CoO conference. For 2014-2015 10 conferences in cooperation with partners are planned – we keep you informed.

Further we made a film – short version with 5´and longer version with 9´; you get access via Youtube and
You can also download them directly from

All the speeches in detail for members only are available also on the AgriFutureDays 2014 homepage. Pw needed.

We also would like to inform you regarding the next meeting where the Club of Ossiach will be present: 15.-17.9. 2014 at the XVIII. ISAF (International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry – ISAF 2014) in Jelgava, Latvia. Details you find under

Club of Ossiach, represented by Ajit Maru and Walter H. Mayer will have a networking session with the focus on projects that can be done with CoO partners within EIP – European Innovation Platform, ICT Agri projects and Horizon 2020 projects as well as you are invited to present also your project ideas.On 16.9. we will have networking of partners interested in participation or setting up projects.

Further within ISAF an open data HACKATHON will be done during three days and PROGIS will provide free of charge its GIS SDK – a development environment for database developers that are interested to integrate a spatial engine including data (Orthoimages) within their database, e.g. SQL, Access etc. – and invite developers to link their developments to it. If you are interrested, please send a short mail to

For our US and Latin-American Collegues - we will be available at WCCA 2014 from 27.-30.7. in San Jose, Costa Rica and will be available for interested parties after having presented our paper „Ten steps to an integrated country covering solution”.

Contact : Ajit MARU and WALTER Mayer on behalf of the "Club of Ossiach"
E-mail: clubofossiach(a)

Changing farming practices could cut the intensity of heat waves
No-till farming, which leaves crop debris in place, can protect the next crops.

As the Earth's climate continues to warm, the elevated temperatures can put a strain on agriculture. Although an increase in the average temperature can harm crops, it's the details obscured by that average that can cause the biggest problems: more—and more extended—periods of extreme temperatures often harm crops far more than raising the typical temperature a fraction of a degree.

Fortunately, as a team of Swiss and French researchers have determined, the opposite may also be true. They've identified a simple agricultural practice that does little to alter the average temperature of farming areas. But it does have a strong effect on extreme temperatures, lowering them by nearly 2°C. That should be enough to keep existing crops viable for longer in the face of future climate change.

The technique in question is called "no-till farming," and it simply involves leaving the debris from previous crops on the surface of the fields rather than plowing the fields and exposing the soil underneath. Observations of test agricultural fields indicate that no-till practices have several effects. To begin with, the debris tends to retain moisture, which limits evaporation; since evaporation cools the surface, this tends to have a warming effect. But this warming is extremely limited on the hottest days, when the intense heat drives evaporation even when plant debris is present.

The agricultural debris also has an effect on albedo, the amount of sunlight that gets reflected back from the Earth's surface. After a rain storm, the tillage was about as dark as the soil underneath it. But on drier days, the plant material reflected significantly more sunlight than the soil. This effect was amplified further on the hottest days, which are typically cloud-free, which allows the reflected sunlight to escape into space.

To figure out how all of this added up, the authors used a regional climate model and explored how no-till farming would alter the temperatures of European agricultural areas. For most conditions, it made very little difference. But on the warmest days, the models of no-till fields had temperatures that were 2°C lower than if the same fields were plowed. A similar result was obtained when the authors used the model to recreate a 2003 heat wave that baked France and warmed the rest of Europe.
Currently, no-till farming is largely practiced in the Americas and rarely used in Europe. Adopting it can require the purchase of new equipment and adoption of different techniques. But these results suggest that no-till agriculture can also protect crops when they're at their most vulnerable: during periods of extreme heat.

The (French) Forum Phyto
- Private: Impact of international voluntary standards on smallholder market participation in developing countries (FAO)

- The Yellow Dragon Threatens Florida Citrus

- Farmland: a real film on the real US agriculture

- Curiosity : a strawberry from flower to fruit : 1 month in 15 seconds (Video)

- To smile (and more…) : correlation is not causation

- To smile: Video WeAreFarming Pharrell Williams – “Happy” PARODY

EFITA 2013
24-27 June 2013 - TURIN

EFITA 2013: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT innovation

> Scientific program

> Poster session

> The acts of the EFITA2013 congress


Contact: Prof. Remigio BERRUTO
E-mail: remigio.berruto(a)

At The Bethel Baptist Chapel in a small Welsh village last week, they had their usual weekly husbands’ marriage seminar.

The Vicar asked Dafydd Jones, who said he was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, if he would take a few minutes to share some insights on how he had managed to stay married all these years.

Dafydd replied to the assembled husbands, ‘‘Well, I've treated her well. I spend money on her, bought her jewellery, clothes and everything a woman could wish for. Best of all, I took her to Patagonia for our 25th anniversary. ’’

The Vicar responded, ‘‘Dai, you are an inspiration to all the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?’’

Dafydd replied, “I’m going back to Patagonia to pick her up."

The distribution of this efita newsletter is sponsored by
Please, contribute to the content of your efita newsletter, and advertise your events, new publications, new products and new project in this newsletter. Without your support, it will not survive!
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
E-mail: guy.waksman(a)

To read this newsletter on our web site

The archives of this newsletter


Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit
Mick Harkin, ex Secretary of EFITA, who has kept us amused with his Friday Jokes over the years, has published a book on Amazon entitled "Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit".
Contact: Mick HARKIN
E-mail: harkin(a)

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