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Châtenay-Malabry (FR - 92290), 24 November 2014

EFITA newsletter / 671 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

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To correspond with me (GW), please use this address: guy.waksman(a)

Thought for today
Never doubt the courage of the French, they are the ones who discovered snails are eatable - Doug LARSON

Another thought for today
The gap between the population growth and the food production has shrunk and is likely to do so over the next 50 years. Overall, feeding the world has become much more manageable (…) The impact of technology on agriculture is mostly positive (…) The timing, however, is difficult to predict. The short-term impact tends to be overestimated; the long-term impact tends to be underestimated. In other words, the impact will happen, but perhaps later than we hope or expect.
Dr. Josef SCHMIDHUBER, former head of the Global Perspective Studies Unit at FAO.

Three skiers jumping at once…

Essas Mulheres não perdoam!

Climate change seen by non-scientist senators

Next Afia seminar
7 January 2015

Second Open Data seminar (weather data & pests-diseases data in crop and animal productions)

Vinitech Sifel 2014
2 – 4 December – BORDEAUX (France)

Are ag robots ready? 27 companies profiled
Agriculture is one of our most important industries. It provides food, feed and fuel necessary for our survival. With the global population expected to reach 9 billions by 2050, agricultural production must double to meet the demand. And because of...
Voir :

Smart farming and precision agriculture: management in the cloud?


Modelia / Afia

>>> La modélisation entre recherche et développement agricole, allers et retours... Des modèles scientifiques aux outils logiciels : ambitions, expériences, réflexions, propriété intellectuelle (29 mars 2013)

Voir :

>>> Open Data en Agriculture : état des lieux et perspectives (12 novembre 2013)
Voir :

Contact : François BRUN
Mél : francois.brun(a)

>>> Les nouveaux capteurs en Agriculture (19 avril 2014)
Voir :
Contact : JP CHANET
Mél : jean-pierre.chanet(a)

ESN® SMART NITROGEN® is always there for your crops. One application will typically give your crops the nitrogen they need throughout the growing season. The polymer coating reduces the risk of nitrogen loss to the environment, improving crop quality and yield.

Environment priorities European Parliament revealed by ENVI chair: GMOs, carbon market (ETS), plastic bags & shipping emissions

The Global Nutrition Report—a comprehensive narrative on global- and country-level progress toward reducing malnutrition in all its forms.
Malnutrition is a challenge that touches all countries across all sectors. The costs of failing to act are tragically high: premature death, stressed health systems, and a severe drag on economic progress.

With this report, nutrition champions have access to a dashboard of over 80 country-level indicators on nutrition outcomes, determinants, program coverage, resources, and political commitments for each of the United Nations’ 193 member states, which they can use to hold policymakers to their commitments and urge them to make new ones.

Produced by a consortium of nations, organizations, researchers, and academics as an outcome of the 2013 Nutrition for Growth Summit in London, this report will be a centerpiece of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) in Rome next week.

I hope you will find the report's data and case studies useful for your program, research, and advocacy work. Please spread the word through your social media channels using #nutritionreport, and through your web and print outlets.

For more information on the report and supplemental materials including a synopsis, infographics and data visualizations, video, and country profiles—as well as details of launch events in the US, Europe, and around the world…

“Organoids” derived from stem cells help show how embryos develop and why adults get certain diseases. They may even be used as treatments

The Threat to Rainforests: Fact and Fiction

2012 Census of Agriculture Reveals New Trends in Farming
WASHINGTON, May 2, 2014 –There are now 3.2 million farmers operating 2.1 million farms on 914.5 million acres of farmland across the United States, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The agriculture census presents more than 6 million pieces of information, which provide a detailed look at the U.S. farm sector at the national, state and county levels.
“Once every five years, farmers, ranchers and growers have the unique opportunity to let the world know how U.S. agriculture is changing, what is staying the same, what’s working and what we can do differently,” said Dr. Cynthia Clark, the retiring head of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, which administered the survey. “Today, we can start to delve into the details.”
Census data provide valuable insight into the U.S. farmer demographics, economics and production practices. Some of the key findings include:

> Both sales and production expenses reached record highs in 2012. U.S. producers sold $394.6 billion worth of agricultural products, but it cost them $328.9 billion to produce these products

> Three quarters of all farms had sales of less than $50,000, producing only 3 percent of the total value of farm products sold while those with sales of more than $1 million – 4 percent of all farms – produced 66 percent.

> Much of the increased farm income was concentrated geographically or by farm categories.
>> California led the nation with 9 of the 10 top counties for value of sales. Fresno County was number one in the United States with nearly $5 billion in sales in 2012, which is greater than that of 23 states. Weld County, Colorado ranked 9th in the top 10 U.S. counties.
>> The top 5 states for agricultural sales were California ($42.6 billion); Iowa ($30.8 billion); Texas ($25.4 billion); Nebraska ($23.1 billion); and Minnesota ($21.3 billion).

> Eighty-seven percent of all U.S. farms are operated by families or individuals.

> Principal operators were on average 58.3 years old and were predominantly male; second operators were slightly younger and most likely to be female; and third operators were younger still.

> Young, beginning principal operators who reported their primary occupation as farming increased 11.3 percent from 36,396 to 40,499 between 2007 and 2012.

> All categories of minority-operated farms increased between 2007 and 2012; the Hispanic-operated farms had a significant 21 percent increase.

> 144,530 farm operators reported selling products directly to consumers. In 2012, these sales totaled more than $1.3 billion (up 8.1 percent from 2007).

> Organic sales were growing, but accounted for just 0.8 percent of the total value of U.S. agricultural production. Organic farmers reported $3.12 billion in sales in 2012, up from $1.7 billion in 2007.

> Farms with Internet access rose from 56.5 percent in 2007 to 69.6 percent in 2012.

> 57,299 farms produced on-farm renewable energy, more than double the 23,451 in 2007.

> 474,028 farms covering 173.1 million acres were farmed with conservation tillage or no-till practices.

> Corn and soybean acres topped 50 percent of all harvested acres for the first time.

> The largest category of operations was beef cattle with 619,172 or 29 percent of all farms and ranches in 2012 specializing in cattle.

“This information is critical to understanding the conditions of U.S. agriculture and determining future policy,” said incoming NASS Administrator Joseph T. Reilly. “Today’s data release is the culmination of years’ worth of planning and work that NASS has made openly available for public use.”
Conducted since 1840, the Census of Agriculture accounts for all U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. The Census tells a story of how American agriculture is changing and lays the groundwork for new programs and policies that will invest in rural America; promote innovation and productivity; build the rural economy; and support our next generation of farmers and ranchers.
For access to the complete data series and tools to analyze this information, A link to census data will also be available on the USDA Open Data portal,

The Billion Dollar Club of Five
It takes a lot of money to keep innovating to find, develop and launch new products and services for agriculture. Not millions, but billions of dollars, every year. What are the agricultural Research and Development (R&D) budgets of the ‘majors’? (The 2012 figures below are in billions of dollars, rounded and approximate, based on annual reports.)

The Big Five, the Billion Dollar Club


$ 1.52


$ 1.25


$ 1.1


$ 1.1


$ 1.0

Participants with smaller budgets:

Dow Agrosciences

$ 0.5

BASF (Agriculture)

$ 0.5


$ 0.35


$ 0.27

(Figures for Claas and CNH are more difficult to find.)

It seems Deere dominates its market by a multiplier of 3.In chemicals and seeds, the top 4 competitors remain close together.

>>> How do these figures compare to figures in other industries?

> Information technology: (2011 except where mentioned differently)


$ 9.4


$ 6.3


$ 5.2


$ 4.4


$ 4.0 (2013)

> Pharmaceuticals: (2012 estimates):


$ 9.4


$ 9.2


$ 8.1


$ 8.1


$ 6.8

“Big AG” R&D is small compared to Big I.T. and Big Pharma!

Info compiled by Marc VANACHT
E-mail: marc(a)

EFITA 2015
9 June 2015 - 2 July 2015
POZNAN (Poland)

EFITA 2015: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT innovation

E-mail: weres(a)

God's Sense of Humour...
While creating wives, God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world.

Then, He made the earth round.

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Please, contribute to the content of your efita newsletter, and advertise your events, new publications, new products and new project in this newsletter. Without your support, it will not survive!
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
E-mail: guy.waksman(a)

To read this newsletter on our web site

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Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit
Mick Harkin, ex Secretary of EFITA, who has kept us amused with his Friday Jokes over the years, has published a book on Amazon entitled "Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit".
Contact: Mick HARKIN
E-mail: harkin(a)

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