Paris, 13 February 2006

EFITA newsletter / 246 / European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Point of view (in Fr-English): Traceability, GIS and DSS tools, etc.
There are many national and European projects in the EU on traceability of agri-food products, on GIS and DSS tools, etc. But there is not enough communication about these projects. Actors of these projects, you seem to be too busy to communicate about your results. These few words are to remind you that with this newsletter, you have the right tool to inform a large community of agricultural ICT specialists about your successes…
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
Email: waksman(a)

Digital Opportunity for e-Inclusion International Conference
21 March 2006 – BUDAPEST
The Conference is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Informatics and Communications (IHM) with the professional leadership and supervision of the European Union of Telecottage Associations (EUTA) and the Hungarian Telecentre Association, having as organizer the Central- European Center for Communication Consultation and Land Issues (4CLI). The presence of the most relevant telecottage experts from abroad is essential. Thus we would kindly ask you to provide us the name and contact information (e-mail address, phone, fax, etc.) of the most relevant experts from your country. We will invite them to the conference, to have wide knowledge about the experiences, best practices.
Contact : Beatrix BADICS

ICT - Tools for Providing Information, Advice and Services for Rural SMEs?
6 - 7 April 2006 – OULU - Finland
The focus of the seminar is to present the latest information and experiences on the possibilities of ICT-solutions in delivering information and advice to the rural SMEs in European context. The seminar addresses business advisors, developers, mediators, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and administration related to the topic. It also offers an exciting opportunity for updating knowledge and expanding networking with fellow professionals throughout Europe.
Contact: Marco QUEROL
Email: marco.querol(a)

11 - 12 May 2006 – DRESDEN - Germany
Contact : Frank HOFFMANN
Email: doz.dr.frank.hoffmann(a)

International Workshop on Research and Development of Agricultural Engineering Technologies
18 - 31 October 2006 - Israel
See :
Contact : Amots HETZRONI
Email: amots(a)

Reform of the sugar sector
The European Commissioner for Agriculture, Mariann Fischer Boel, stated: "I am delighted that the Parliament has adopted this important report. This clears the way for our far-reaching reform of the EU sugar regime to go ahead as planned on 1 July. I want to pay tribute to the Parliament's contribution throughout the last twelve months. Many of the key elements of the reform had their origin in the Parliament - including the restructuring fund, the transitional market support measures and the reservation of part of the fund for sugar beet growers and machinery contractors. The reform will give the European sugar industry a long-term and viable future. It will provide the financial means for affected farmers, factories and workers to find alternative sources of income. It will have positive effects for consumers, and bring the EU into line with its international commitments. The EU will remain an attractive market for our developing country partners, whom we will help with the adjustment process."

El tio Boris (in Spanish – for the jokes in French, there are plenty of them in the ACTA Informatique newsletter in French - > 24000 subscribers)
Después de mucho batallar y gracias a las nuevas leyes de la ex Unión Soviética el tío Boris consiguió el permiso para emigrar a Israel, al igual que muchos otros camaradas rusos. Pero el se quejaba: - Me discriminan, no me dejaban salir, me investigaban todo el tiempo, si yo soy boina persona. Por fin se dieron cointa.
El día de la partida en el mostrador de aduana un oficial ruso revisaba el equipaje del tío Boris y de repente abre un paquete y pregunta: - ¡¿Qué es esto? ¡
- Perdón - dice Boris - Usted debe preguntar ¿Quien es este?. Este es un busto del camarada Stalin nuestro querido ideólogo y gran dirigente del partido. Y me lo llevo para nunca olvidarme de él.
- La verdad - dice el guardia - yo pensaba diferente de los judíos, pero lo felicito. Pase.
El feter (tío en idish) Boris llega a Tel Aviv y cuando lo revisa en la aduana el oficial israelí abre un paquete y le pregunta: - ¿Qué es esto? -
- Perdón - dice Boris - Usted debe preguntar ¿Quien es este?. Este, es el maldito dictador antisemita Stalin por el que sufrimos tantas desgracias y miserias. Traigo este busto para no olvidarme de su rostro y enseñarles a los jóvenes quien nos hizo sufrir día a día.
- Bueno señor cálmese - le dice el guardia - ya está aquí, todo pasó. Pase, pase que lo espera su
El tío Boris es recibido con gran alegría por sus hermanos, sobrinos y toda la familia. Van todos al kibutz donde habían preparado una gran comida para recibirlo. Cuando llegan a la casa le dice un sobrino:
- Tío ve primero a tu habitación a dejar tus cosas y refréscate que te esperamos aquí - y señalando al mas pequeño de sus hijos le indica.
- Uri, acompaña al tío a su cuarto y ayúdalo con sus cosas.
Se dirijen a la habitación y cuando Boris desarma la valija coloca el busto sobre la cama entonces el pequeño Uri pregunta:
- Tío Boris ¿Quién es ese?
- Perdón - dice Boris - Tu debes preguntar ¿Qué es eso?. Eso querido Uri, son cinco kilos de oro puro.
Contact: I. KITRON
Email: kitron1(a)

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