Paris, 25 August 2006

EFITA newsletter / 272 / European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Congratulations for the medal; and thanks for a very useful newsletter service! I will move to a new position at Åbo Akademi University (professor in Rural studies). Could you please change my e-mail address to Hej då!
Contact: Erland EKLUND
Email: erland.eklund(a)

Next EFITA congress in 2007 in Glasgow
2 - 5 July 2007 - Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK
Contact: Caroline PARKER
Email: c.g.parker(a)

Point of view: The need for standards in agricultural information exchanges
Everybody dealing professionally in studying or developing of information exchange in agriculture is aware of missing standards. Accepted lexica of terms are unavailable and compatibility of communication interfaces is weak. This overall lack is obvious when dealing with the new possibilities of GIS, geo-data, new sensors or integrative software solutions in agricultural production systems and especially when crossing national or sectorial borders. Several groups are working on these problems in Europe, but mostly they are not doing this in close collaboration. An appropriate network is missing.
In the framework of the current (2006) "COST Open Call for Proposals to Support European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research" (see a Preliminary Proposal was submitted called "AgriFoCom – Harmonization of standards for digital communication in the agro-food business". The aim of this COST action was to pull together European activities which develop standards to bridge the heterogeneity of current and future agricultural information systems effectively. A preliminary network of groups interested in this action consisted of 15 teams from seven European countries.
In total, more than 800 Preliminary Proposals were submitted within the COST Open Call until the end of May. Unfortunately, the initiative of AgriFoCom was not selected to be one of the 75 actions that are now invited to submit a Full Proposal. Besides our disappointment, it is now the task of the interested groups, to find other possibilities to exchange information on current work, and to derive common standards which help to overcome sectorial and national differences in agricultural information systems.
Contact: Frank DREGER
Email: dreger(a)

ASIC 2006: an International Conference on Coffee Science in Montpellier
11 to 15 September 2006 - MONTPELLIER
The International Association on Coffee Science, which was founded in 1963, addresses every component of the coffee supply chain and the latest developments in coffee science and technology, including the links between coffee and human physiology. The association has chosen France, and more specifically Montpellier, the home of French tropical agricultural research, for its 2006 conference.
This year, participants will present circa one hundred communications and some one hundred and fifty posters on topics relating to coffee chemistry, biotechnology, agronomy, the sustainability of coffee production and the effects of coffee on health. Recent discoveries about how the genome works and new, improved knowledge of varieties are also on the agenda (see conference programme below).
Reports will be given on recent progress in research while the coffee sector has to cope with the ups and downs of the international market. In addition, coffee growers have to keep a constant watch on product quality, in line with labels and designations of origin (POA, PGI).
Three hundred coffee scientists, producers and industrialists from Africa, the Americas (including thirty researchers from Brazil), Asia, Europe and Oceania are expected on the Agro.M campus. Junior researchers from developing countries, supported by ASIC and selected for the merits of their scientific papers, will also have access to this international platform on coffee.
Contact: Rémy LIARDON
E-mail: coffee-science(a)

AgroFarm 2007 – First international animal husbandry exhibition in Russia
19 - 21 June 2007
The AgroFarm exhibition, which will be launched next year in Russia, is an international and professional exhibition on animal husbandry encompassing breeders and keepers from all animal sectors with a special focus on cattle, pig and poultry. This exhibition will be the first common project between the organising partners, DLG and OAO GAO VVC, following an agreement signed in 2005. The new exhibition has been created in response to tremendous demand in Russia for high-quality information and investment in modern livestock production methods.

EFITA website: list of Austrian software products for Agriculture
I came across your website today and looked at the list of Software products. Under the category "Austria" I only found Progis. Please let me know how we can get our own product on this list! Adcon Telemetry has introduced in 1993 our first software package for agriculture, at that time called "AgroExpert". After many upgrades and reworks we are now at the latest version 5.0 of this software package, meanwhile called "addVANTAGE Professional 5.0".
Contact: Bernhard PACHER
E-mail: b.pacher(a)

My answer (GW): I will update the EFITA web site. Please note that I maintain the efita web site and newsletter without any support. I think that it could be very interesting to develop a really complete catalogue of agricultural ICT companies.

6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture & 3rd European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
3-6 June, 2007 - Skiathos island, Greece
The main objectives of the joint congresses will be to present research efforts focusing on environmental effects of agriculture and livestock, quality aspects, traceability systems for crops and animals, as well as technology and economics for implementing precision agriculture and livestock farming. Additionally, focus will be given to the application of Precision Agriculture/Precision Livestock Farming for high value crops, aquaculture and animals produced in Mediterranean and subtropical conditions.
Contacts: Professor Fanis Gemtos, Dr. Spyros Fountas
E-mail: info(a)

The Origin of Sex
A Greek and an Italian are sitting in a Starbuck's one day, discussing who has the superior culture.
Over triple lattes, the Greek says, "Well, we have the Parthenon."
Arching his eyebrows, the Italian replies, "We have the Coliseum."
The Greek retorts, "We Greeks gave birth to advanced mathematics."
The Italian, nodding agreement, says, "But we built the Roman Empire."
And so on and so on, until the Greek comes up with what he thinks will end the discussion.
With a flourish of finality he says, "We invented sex!"
The Italian thinks for a couple of seconds and replies quietly, "That is true, but it was the Italians who introduced it to women!"
Contact : Bernard AUXENFANS
E-mail: bauxenfans(a)

Contestadora del hospital psiquiátrico
Gracias por llamar al Instituto de Salud Mental, la compañía más sana para sus momentos de mayor locura..."

Si usted es obsesivo-compulsivo, presione repetidamente el número 1.

Si usted es co-dependiente, pídale a alguien que presione el n° 2 por usted.

Si usted tiene múltiples personalidades, presione el 3,4,5 y 6.

Si usted es paranoíco, nosotros ya sabemos quien es usted, sabemos lo que hace y sabemos lo que quiere, de modo que espere en línea mientras rastreamos su llamada.

Si usted sufre de alucinaciones, presione el 7 en ese teléfono gigante de colores que ud. (y sólo ud.) ve a su derecha.

Si usted es esquizofrénico, escuche cuidadosamente y una pequeña voz interior le indicará que número presionar.

Si usted es depresivo, no importa que número marque nada conseguirá sacarlo de su lamentable situación.

Si usted sufre de amnesia, presione 8 y diga en voz alta su nombre, dirección, teléfonos, cédula fecha de nacimiento, estado cívil y el apellido de soltera de su madre.

Si usted sufre de indecisión, deje su mensaje después de escuchar el tono...o antes del tono... o después del tono... o durante el tono. En todo caso espere el tono.

Si sufre de pérdida de la memoria a corto plazo, presione 9.
Si sufre de pérdida de la memoria a corto plazo, presione 9.
Si sufre de pérdida de la memoria a corto plazo, presione 9.

Si tiene la autoestima baja, por favor cuelgue, Todos nuestros operadores están atendiendo a personas más importantes que usted.
Contact : I. KITRON
Email: kitron1(a)

About the EFITA mailing list
You can use the efita moderated list (>3000 subscribers) to announce any event / product / web site / joke (!) related to IT in agriculture, environment, food industry and rural areas.
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