Paris, 30 April 2007

EFITA newsletter / 307 / European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Please help! Contributions to this newsletter will be welcomed!
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
E-mail: waksman(a)

Next AgriMMedia seminar
15 May – PARIS
New web tools: blog, RSS, wiki, podcast, video on the Internet, web TV, web conference… (in French).

China: Preparing for the biggest agricultural reorganisation ever
One of the possible directions for rural China development features a scenario of 650,000 modern new farms of eastern European scale. But whatever the outcome on this vast country’s drive for more food, a massive demand for mechanisation on the land looms ahead. Helping west meet east with this in mind is the agriChina exhibition in Beijing.
Contact: Malene CONLONG
E-Mail: m.conlong(a)

AGROVOC E-Conference (May - June 2007)
The AGROVOC Thesaurus was developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), in the early 1980s. AGROVOC is the foundation that underpins the development of the Concept Server (CS) project. Using the knowledge contained in vocabulary systems and thesauri such as AGROVOC, the CS will be able to develop specialized domain-specific terminologies and concepts that will better support information management in the Web environment. A key objective is to add more semantics to the thesaurus, for example, by expanding and better specifying the relationships between concepts. In light of new developments and the need to understand the user requirements, FAO is organizing an AGROVOC E-Conference. The outcomes of the conference will be discussed in the Eighth Agricultural Ontology Service Workshop to be held in September of this year.
The aim of this conference is to bring AGROVOC users together to share what they would like to see improved in AGROVOC and the direction it should take. The E-Conference will allow people from all the different corners of the world, who otherwise might not be able to travel to regular meetings on AGROVOC, to voice their ideas and thoughts for the betterment of AGROVOC. The ultimate goal of the conference is to assess the direction the work on development of AGROVOC as a thesaurus and a concept server should take.
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Contact: Gauri SALOKHE
E-mail: gauri.salokhe(a)

High resolution digital soil sensing & mapping
5 – 8 February 2008 - SYDNEY – Australia
This workshop will bring together those developing and using proximal sensors and digital soil maps for Precision Agriculture, Soil Contamination and other applications, where there is a particular need for high spatial resolution (10 m or less) information.
Broad topics: Proximal soil sensor development; Applications of proximal soil sensing techniques; Proximal soil sensor calibrations; Soil inference systems; Signal processing; Prediction methods for large data sets
Contact: Raphael VISCARRA ROSSEL
E-mail: r.viscarra-rossel(a)

A senior moment
A very self-important college freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

"You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one," the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. "The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed processing and...," pausing to take another drink of beer.

The Senior took advantage of the break in the student's litany and said, "You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young… So we invented them. Now, you arrogant little fart, what are you doing for the next generation?"

The applause was resounding...
I love senior citizens!!!

Contact: Bernard P AUXENFANS
E-mail: auxenfansb(a)

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