Paris, 15 October 2007

EFITA newsletter / 332 / European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Days of sorrow with the loss of my brother Gilles (1)
Reading the note on Gilles really makes the loss even more understandable. A true humanist encouraging everyone to live their dreams - those kinds of people never really die away, they leave marks in the people they meet!
Contact: Thomas NORRBY
E-mail: thomas.norrby(a)

Days of sorrow with the loss of my brother Gilles (2)
I am truly saddened to read of your loss through the news of your brother Gilles' death. From the obituary I read that his committed work and dedication to others through science and medicine equals what I know of your own contribution through ACTA / EFITA.
Contact : Bill PARLETTE
E-mail: billparlette(a)

Two PhD positions in ICT for agriculture and food supply chains are available at the University of Aarhus, Denmark
Contact Iver THYSEN
E-mail: iver.thysen(a)

Fireworks of Innovations at Agritechnica 2007 in Hanover
Seven Gold Medals and 33 Silver Medals for Innovations.
A total of 331 innovations were submitted to Agritechnica organiser DLG, the highest number for twelve years. Details about the innovations and the companies:
Contact: Malene CONLONG
E-mail: M.Conlong(a)

Communicating Risk: International Conference on Risk Communication and Natural Hazards
7 - 9 November 2007 – Tulln - Austria
Risk plays an important role in our daily lives. Especially in Europe, risks through natural hazards are an everlasting issue. Indeed, we have learned to live with those threats, but prognosis of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) say that climate change will account for a striking increase in extreme events.
Effective interdisciplinary communication among authorities, economy, science and rescue organisations about anticipated future risks will play an enormously important role. The relevant disciplines´ knowledge on future risks must be communicated to the public in an appropriate and comprehensible language. Communication tools will be necessary to achieve behavioural changes of the people participating at this process. The sensitisation to new threats, the involvement of the economy and the trust into authorities and rescue organisations is of major importance. The RISK:07 addresses this thematic fields and tries to give answers.
Contact: Renate Mayer

Health Security Agencies Between Technocracy and Democracy
15 – 16 November - LIEGE
Over the last decade, the creation of agencies related to health products and foodstuffs has become a common and general feature of most European countries along with the European Commission. These institutions are expected to renew traditional policy-making on health issues, by providing sound scientific advice for policy-makers. Health crises and controversies have spurred further interest in the
risk assessment and risk management procedures handled by these agencies.
This two-day conference will be organized around four issues:
- the creation of agencies;
- agencies as strategic actors;
- the Europeanization of agencies;
- agencies and democratisation.
It will bring together academics, actors and stakeholders interested in health security agencies.
Registration : audrey.melotte(a)
More information : benamouz(a) ; o.borraz(a) ; f.schoenaers(a)

6th New Ag International Conference and Exhibition
2 - 4 April 2008, NEW DELHI
E-mail: conferences(a)

9th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (Call for Abstracts)
20 – 23 July 2008 - DENVER

International Scientific Conference on Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change
5 – 9 October 2008 - BALI, Indonesia
Contact: Daniel STIETENROTH
Email: dstiete(a)

Barbie's Birthday
One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a toy shop and asks the salesperson,
"How much for one of those Barbie's in the display window?"
The salesperson answers,
"Which one do you mean, sir?
We have:
Work Out Barbie for $19.95,
Shopping Barbie for $19.95,
Beach Barbie for $19.95,
Disco Barbie for $19.95,
Ballerina Barbie for $19.95,
Astronaut Barbie for $19.95,
Skater Barbie for $19.95,
and Divorced Barbie for $265.95"

The amazed father asks: " Why does the Divorced Barbie cost $265.95 and the others only $19.95?

The supercillous salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers:
Sir... "Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer of Ken's Friends.
Contact: Mick HARKIN
E-mail : harkin'a)

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