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Châtenay-Malabry (FR - 92290), 16 January 2012

EFITA newsletter / 549 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

I have to inform all my FRIENDS who have sent me their best wishes promising…

Happiness, Fortune & Money… for 2011.


So, regarding your wishes for 2012,

Please send me directly the money.

I will also accept the bottles … and the chocolates.


AFIA, French member of Efita, is eventually developing its own web site
You will find the archive of efita newsletter of 2012 on this web site.
See for example:

Efita newsletter subscription: you can tell your friends and colleagues to subscribe this newsletter

17th annual conference of the Agricultural Extension Society Of Nigeria (AESON): Agricultural Extension Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation
11 – 14 March, 2012 – NSUKKA (Nigeria)
E-mail: aesonconference2012(a)

Why are you making OpenStreetMap?
Geographical data (geo data) is not free in many parts of the world. Generally these places have given the task of mapping to various government agencies who in return get to make money by selling the data back to you and me. If you live in one of these countries, then your taxes pay for the mapping and then you have to pay again to get a copy of it. In the USA crude data (such as TIGER) is in the public domain, however refined data and finished maps are generally commercially copyrighted.

Data from commercial maps sometimes contain lies, or Copyright Easter Eggs, to catch anyone copying it. These Easter eggs take the form of fake or missing streets, or features like churches and schools that don't in fact exist. If you make a map using their data, they can say "ah-ha! Gotcha!" from looking if you also copied these fake pieces of map. The map may also just be incorrect because for example you bought it a year ago and a path has been dug up in your local park since, or someone just made a mistake.

If you accept all of this then you still can't do anything with the data but photocopy it. In lots of places that's illegal too if you go beyond your fair use rights. You can't correct a street name, or add the pub/bar over the road, or use the data in a computer program without paying a lot of money. More money than you probably have. What about sending it to a friend, enclosing it in an invitation or posting it on a notice board? A lot of these are less legal than you might think.

Advances in technology like cheap GPS units mean you can now create your own maps, in collaboration with others and have none of the restrictions outlined above. The ability to do so allows you to regain a little bit of the community you live in - if you can't map it, you can't describe it.

An amazing list of hoax about Barack Obama

Married Men
At a wedding party recently someone yelled, "All the married men please stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living."
The bartender was crushed to death.

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