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Châtenay-Malabry (FR - 92290), 3 October 2014

EFITA newsletter / 665 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

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To correspond with me (GW), please use this address: guy.waksman(a)

#$%! : Has Innovation Become A Four-Letter Word?

Smart AgriMatics 2014
presentations available


Les gros volumes de données en agriculture : acquisition, organisation et valorisation
21 novembre - MONTPELLIER
Comme tous les secteurs d’activités, l’agriculture est confrontée à l’acquisition, l’organisation et la valorisation de gros volumes de données. Cette évolution est liée à la multiplication des plateformes de collecte d’information (capteurs embarqués, imagerie, capteurs à poste fixe, objets connectés, etc.) et à leur mise en réseau, au développement des serveurs de données, à la mise en place de systèmes d’information destinés à assurer une traçabilité technique et réglementaire des opérations, etc. Avec le développement de ces technologies, le volume de données généré en agriculture va exploser dans les années à venir. Il s’agit d’un contexte nouveau qui va profondément modifier certains métiers et qui entraînent nécessairement un bouleversement des rapports entre les acteurs des différentes filières agricoles.
En réunissant des acteurs majeurs des technologies de l’information du domaine de l’agriculture, le séminaire a pour objectif de créer un moment de recul et de réflexion sur l’agriculture de l’information de demain.
La matinée sera organisée autour de deux présentations et d’un débat destinés à imaginer ce que sera l’agriculture de l’information. Ce moment sera une occasion de réfléchir aux spécificités, aux verrous, aux atouts et aux besoins particuliers liés à la gestion de gros volumes de données en agriculture.
L’après-midi sera consacrée à une succession d’exposés destinés à présenter des exemples d’applications originaux ou à faire un rapide état des lieux sur des questions techniques importantes pour l’agriculture de l’information.
Voir :
Contact : Bruno TISSEYRE
Mél : tisseyre(a)


Modelia / Afia

>>> La modélisation entre recherche et développement agricole, allers et retours... Des modèles scientifiques aux outils logiciels : ambitions, expériences, réflexions, propriété intellectuelle (29 mars 2013)

Voir :

>>> Open Data en Agriculture : état des lieux et perspectives (12 novembre 2013)
Voir :

Contact : François BRUN
Mél : francois.brun(a)

>>> Les nouveaux capteurs en Agriculture (19 avril 2014)
Voir :
Contact : JP Chanet
Mél : jean-pierre.chanet(a)

European meteorological data availability for research, development and policy support
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has developed Interpolated Meteorological Datasets available on a regular 25x25km grid both to the scientific community and the general public. Among others, the Interpolated Meteorological Datasets include daily maximum/minimum temperature, cumulated daily precipitation, evapotranspiration and wind speed. These datasets can be accessed through a web interface after a simple registration procedure. The Interpolated Meteorological Datasets also serve the Crop Growth Monitoring System (CGMS) at European level. The temporal coverage of the datasets is more than 30 years, and the spatial coverage includes EU Member States, neighbouring European countries, and the Mediterranean countries. The meteorological data are highly relevant for the development, implementation and assessment of a number of European Union (EU) policy areas: agriculture, soil protection, environment, agriculture, food security, energy, climate change.
An online user survey has been carried out in order to assess the impact of the Interpolated Meteorological Datasets on research developments. More than 70% of the users have used the meteorological datasets for research purposes and more than 50% of the users have used those sources as main input for their models. The usefulness of the data scored more than 70% and it is interesting to note that around 25% of the users have published their scientific outputs based on the Interpolated Meteorological Datasets. Finally, the user feedback focuses mostly on improving the data distribution process as well as the visibility of the web platform.

Contact: Irene BIAVETTI
E-mail: irene.biavetti(a)

Showcase Highlights ag innovation
The future of agriculture could rely on any number of the tools and technologies Senior Editor Jodie Wehrpsann came across at this year's Ag Innovation Showcase at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis. It's where entrepreneurs gather to share new ideas with potential investors and Jodie sat in to learn what's ahead. It's a unique gallery of potential new technology for the farm.

Maximizing Big Data (source: Farm Industry News)
John Corbett, President & CEO of aWhere, Wheat Ridge, CO, says Big Data is here. aWhere is transforming how agriculture and development initiatives are managed and measured. Its globally-accessible, on-demand platform and high-resolution global weather content (observed, forecast, and agronomic model output) transform complex data from multiple sources into local, actionable insight through advanced data analytics and location intelligence. 500 million farmers worldwide lack access to advanced agricultural technologies and actionable localized information is a key ingredient to create and support sustainable agricultural value chains. The aWhere Platform delivers innovative tools, global weather data, and information integration for evidence-based planning, hyper-local agronomic recommendations, value-chain optimization, and M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) – all crucial for the complexities of sustainable agriculture and food security.

Precision nitrogen management (source: Farm Industry News)
Agronomic Technology Corp has introduced its first product called Adapt-N, precision nitrogen management software that addresses the nitrogen problem: 50% of nitrogen is wasted due to its complexity, mobility and lack of visibility. Using it, growers get an always-on, accurate nitrogen rate for any corn field, improving yield while reducing costs and environmental impacts, the company says. It does this by combining soil, crop, and management practice inputs with real-time high-resolution climate data and simulating nitrogen dynamics through a complex set of software algorithms. Developed over more than a decade of land grant university research, Adapt-N has demonstrated the ability to generate $38/acre in incremental profit for growers and is supported by growers, retailers and conservation groups, according to company CEO Steve Sibulkin.

Predicting yield loss (source: Farm Industry News)
NVision is field management software invented by the University of Missouri that uses mid-season aerial images of corn fields to support farmer decisions about supplemental nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer applied before planting may be lost in wet weather, causing nitrogen deficiency, a yellow-green appearance of the corn, and loss of yield and income. Yield loss is estimated at 2 billion bushels from 2008-2011, and the market is expanding due to increasing area in the Midwest that experiences wet springs. NVision can predict yield loss for each field and generate variable-rate nitrogen fertilizer application maps to optimally solve this problem.

Precision Farming in USA: AgSpace
AgSpace supply entirely cloud based precision farming software, designed to be customised by service providers.

Precision Farming in USA: AgLeader SMS

Precision Farming in USA: Farm Logic

Precision Farming in USA: Farm Works (a division of Trimble)

Precision Farming in USA: Apex Mobile Farm Manager by John Deere

The connected farm

Making the leap into new social channels

Manmade or natural, tasty or toxic, they're all chemicals …

EFITA 2015
9 June 2015 - 2 July 2015
POZNAN (Poland)

EFITA 2015: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT innovation

E-mail: weres(a)

Una señora estaba tomando un vaso de vino...

Una señora estaba tomando un vaso de vino sentada en el patio al lado de su esposo y dice con voz suave:

- Te quiero tanto... que no podría haber resistido vivir todos estos años si no te hubiera tenido a ti.

El esposo, halagado, le pregunta sonriente:

- ¿Eres tu o es el vino el que habla?.

Y élla responde:

- Soy yo…. Y le estoy hablando al vino.

Contact: Israel KITRON
E-mail: noga96(a)

The distribution of this efita newsletter is sponsored by
Please, contribute to the content of your efita newsletter, and advertise your events, new publications, new products and new project in this newsletter. Without your support, it will not survive!
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
E-mail: guy.waksman(a)

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Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit
Mick Harkin, ex Secretary of EFITA, who has kept us amused with his Friday Jokes over the years, has published a book on Amazon entitled "Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit".
Contact: Mick HARKIN
E-mail: harkin(a)

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