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Châtenay-Malabry (FR - 92290), 13 April 2015

EFITA newsletter / 691 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

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To correspond with me (GW), please use this address: guy.waksman(a)

La 3D en agriculture et en environnement. Pléiades, drones, RTK, LiDAR : quelle technologie pour quelle application ?
24 avril 2015 - MONTPELLIER
Voir :
Contact : Bruno TISSEYRE
Mél : bruno.tisseyre(a)

EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Conference
29 June – 2 July – POZNAN
The main objective of the Conference is to promote the development of ICT in agriculture. Lets do it together in Poznan.

You can still take an advantage of the early bird registration, which is open till April 21, and submit your abstracts, till April 15.

More information and draft version of the Conference programme you can find at

Best regards,
Prof. Jerzy Weres
E-mail: weres(a)
Chair of the EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Committee

Prof. Wojciech Mueller
POLSITA President

Dr. Janina Rudowicz-Nawrocka
Secretary of the EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Committee
E-mail: jrn(a)

EFITA 2015
29 June 2015 - 2 July 2015
POZNAN (Poland)

EFITA 2015: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT innovation

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Conference which will take place in Poznan, Poland from June 29 to July 2, 2015.
EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 is a joint conference of three associations: European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA), International Network for Information Technology in Agriculture – World Congress on Computers in Agriculture (INFITA – WCCA) and International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering – Technical Section VII: Information Technology (CIGR VII). All these associations deal with the use of ICT in the agri-food, bioresource and biomass sectors. These, and not only, will also be the leading topics during the conference sessions. 

We hope that the Polish hospitality will make this conference truly memorable, including social and networking activities that are aimed at forging collaboration and exploring ideas through multidisciplinary approaches. It is important that professionals meet up on a regular basis to interact, network and exchange ideas and knowledge. It is only by sharing ideas that we develop new ones that catalyze technological advancement.

Hoping to see you all in Poznan,

E-mail: weres(a)
Chair of the EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Committee

prof. Wojciech Mueller
POLSITA President

dr. Janina Rudowicz-Nawrocka
Secretary of the EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Committee
E-mail: jrn(a)

ICT for agriculture, rural development and environment - Where we are? Where we will go?

Mobile apps to use on the farm this spring
This spring, let your smart phone help you as you head to the field. Download these apps to calculate seeding rates and fertilizer applications, as well as input calculators. Track growing degree days and field operations, and get fertilizer rates. Most of the apps are free, and most are available for iPhone and Android-based phones.

Trimble Launches Application-Based Environment on its TMX-2050 Display
Growers can Choose the Best Applications for their Farming Operations and Leverage the Power of the Connected Farm from the Tractor

Trimble TMX-2050 Display with Connected Farm and Android Apps

L’e-agrofourniture française en pleine croissance
Voir :

Nouveau site mobile de terre-net occasions
Voir :

Premier site de recrutement de la vigne et du vin : Vitijob fait peau neuve
Pour répondre aux exigences de ses 75 000 visiteurs mensuels, le site Vitijob se met à jour et se pare d'une troisième version flambant neuve. Premier partenaire de l'embauche
Voir :

Netafim names Teeter Irrigation as exclusive provider of precision irrigation system
Netafim USA announced it is partnering with Teeter Irrigation, Inc. to provide Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado growers with access to Precision Mobile Drip Irrigation (PMDI) technology.


Modelia / Afia

>>> La modélisation entre recherche et développement agricole, allers et retours... Des modèles scientifiques aux outils logiciels : ambitions, expériences, réflexions, propriété intellectuelle (29 mars 2013)

Voir :

>>> Open Data en Agriculture - 1ère partie : état des lieux et perspectives (12 novembre 2013)
Voir :

>>> Les nouveaux capteurs en Agriculture (19 avril 2014)
Voir :

>>> Open Data en Agriculture - 2ème partie (7 janvier 2015)
Voir :

Contact : JP CHANET, François BRUN
Mél : jean-pierre.chanet(a), francois.brun(a)

The duck
Our pet duck Wilbur flies up across the road just as some lawyers out hunting, came by and he was shot, tumbling down to the ground.

Wilbur landed right in front of the porch where my dad was sitting. They came to retrieve the duck, but dad said:
"No, --he is my duck, on my land and he was a pet".

The lawyers say: "No -- he was shot on public property so he is ours!".

Dad says: "Let's settle this like when we were kids, and kick each other till someone gives in. My duck -- I go first!".

They reply: "Sure—let's go!".

Whereupon dad up and kicks the lawyer in the gonads as hard as he can. The lawyer rithes around on the ground in pain for twenty minutes and then gets up and says:
"OK-- now it's my turn!".

Dad replies "It's ok -- YOU CAN KEEP THE DUCK!!".

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Please, contribute to the content of your efita newsletter, and advertise your events, new publications, new products and new project in this newsletter. Without your support, it will not survive!
Contact: Guy WAKSMAN
E-mail: guy.waksman(a)

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The archives of this newsletter


Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit
Mick Harkin, ex Secretary of EFITA, who has kept us amused with his Friday Jokes over the years, has published a book on Amazon entitled "Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes... an Anatomy of Wit".
Contact: Mick HARKIN
E-mail: harkin(a)

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